As a business owner or commercial real estate owner, your priority is protecting your commercial property from all elements and maintaining its curb appeal. This means putting in place measures that protect your property from wear and tear. In this regard, your parking lot shouldn’t be left behind. Its maintenance determines your property’s aesthetic value.
Sealcoating your parking lot is the best method to ensure it stay in tip-top shape for long. However, this only happens if you apply the seal coat before your asphalt surface is damaged. Sealcoating doesn’t cure damages but prevents them from happening. It is recommended that you seal coat your driveways and parking lots every two to three years for normal use. Below are the advantages of sealcoating parking lots.
1. Protects Against Oxidation
Sealcoating parking lots protects them from oxidation resulting from exposure to air and the sun. While you can prevent oxidation from taking place, you can slow it down. Oxidation will shorten the durability of your parking lot by making it prone to damages like cracks.
2. Sealcoating Boosts Flexibility
Asphalt pavements are known to flex microscopically to combat reflective cracking. While pavement deteriorates from constant usage, they become fragile. By sealcoating your pavement regularly, you prevent fragility and boost flexibility.
3. Lengthens the Pavement Durability
Asphalt pavements are known to improve the curb appeal of your property due to their beauty. However, they are very vulnerable to harsh weather conditions and heavyweight. A well-maintained asphalt parking lot is known to last for a long time. Seal coating is an important part of the maintenance process and will prolong its lifespan.
4. Sealcoating Parking Lots Prevent Water Damage
As much as it sounds so unbelievable, water can cause the weakening of your pavement’s structure if left to flow freely on asphalt pavements. Sealcoating your parking lot will ensure that water doesn’t seep through cracks, leading to large cracks on the surface.
5. It Keeps Oils and Gasoline at Bay
Sealcoating parking lots is a great way to protect your asphalt pavements against oils and gasoline leakages. When petroleum-based liquids leakages mix with asphalt, they soften the asphalt, thus reducing its durability.
Sealcoating your parking lot is not only cost-effective but also ensures its longevity. It is the surefire way to avoiding minimal repairs. It also improves your property’s aesthetics. To enjoy the highlighted benefits, ensure that you get your parking lot seal coated.