Choosing between an asphalt parking lot and a concrete parking lot? While both materials have a...
Chipsealing services uses two components. The first is liquid asphalt, which is applied to the surface you want to seal. Next, a layer of crushed gravel—or aggregate—is laid down. If necessary, an additional layer of sealing may be added. Once the surface has been cured, the process is complete! Now, your newly sealed surface should be effectively protected from traffic and other sources of damage.
It’s easy to see the benefits of preserving your asphalt surface for as long as possible, especially at the lower cost offered by chipsealing. However, chipsealing also provides a number of other significant benefits. Chipsealing will:
Keep in mind that chipsealing is not a substitute for repairing extensive cracks, which will require separate repairs. Because of the aggregate used, chipsealing will also result in a surface that is not completely smooth. While road surfaces can still be used during the chipsealing process, the speed limit will need to be temporarily reduced. With this in mind, it is important to be sure that chipsealing is the appropriate treatment for your surface.